Saturday, November 12, 2011

KGTE Typewriting and Computer word processing question 2


Speed Question Paper

[Maximum Marks: 100

Time: 10 Minutes]

Although the term ‘Productivity’ sounds deceptively simple, yet it is difficult to explain the full and complete meaning of this word. Many identify Productivity with more production. To do so would be not to recognize the true merit behind such an important service to society. The word Productivity conjures up difficult images in different people. To some, it is a vague philosophy; to some, it is a way of life; to some others, it is a revolt against the traditional ways of the past, and to quite a few, it is an exercise in the application of techniques ranging from the simple to the most sophisticated. They are all partly right, but only partly, like the blindfolded people who attempted to describe the elephant.

Hence if we look for a precise and at the same time a comprehensive definition of Productivity we can say that ‘Productivity is an Attitude of mind’. All other definitions are derived from these couple of words. Thus, Productivity is an attitude towards elimination of wastage of all resources such as men, material, machine, capital etc., an attitude towards cost reduction, an attitude towards building harmonious industrial relations and an attitude towards increased output by controlling wastage of efforts and costs. Ultimately Productivity is a war against wastage and inefficiency. It is increasingly recognized that Productivity is not an end in itself but a means of promoting social progress and strengthening the economic foundations of human well being.

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